Extra Curricular

Music is so important to life at Claremont. It provides countless opportunities to build confidence for our students. Music is proven to improve visual and verbal skills, concentration and memory. It creates opportunities for children to study and appreciate other cultures and to work as a team in group music making. Music teaches children to face their fears and to take risks. Research shows that students perform better academically when Music education is a part of their curriculum.

We encourage our students to be creative, to appreciate the power of music and to always use their talents to bring enjoyment to others through performance. We encourage every child to learn an instrument. We endeavour to make instrumental prices affordable while giving the children the best possible learning experiences. 

We are blessed to have an outstanding group of tutors who are experts in their field. This page will give you a little insight into their backgrounds, but really the truth of their experience and expertise lies in the quality lessons that they deliver each day.

Instrumental lessons begin in Year 1 and continue through to Year 6. Some instruments are not taught until the children are of a certain age. See ‘How to choose the correct instrument’ below.

Programs and instrumental lesson times are created in conjunction with your tutor, your child’s class teacher and Miss Real. Many factors affect this timetable but the academic needs of each child are the highest priority. Priority in lesson times are given to Year 6 students to ensure they have minimal disruption to their learning.

Did you know we have many performance opportunities at Claremont? These include:

  • Music Recital Evenings;
  • Weekly Chapel services;
  • School assemblies;
  • School events and celebrations;
  • Biennial musical production;
  • External school competitions; External school festivals; and Dorothy Boyt Nursing home visits (Year 5).


We encourage all students to participate in a group ensemble to gain experience in performing as a group. These lessons take place at either recess, lunch time or after school, depending on the ensemble. These experiences provide a wonderful opportunity for your child to represent our school in the proudest way possible - through music!

Ensembles include:

  • School concert band;
  • Senior String ensemble;
  • Junior String Ensemble;
  • Senior Choir; and 
  • Junior Choir
"Praise the Lord with the harp; make melody to him with an instrument of 10 strings." Psalm 33:2) 
  • At Claremont we encourage students to begin learning piano, guitar, violin or drums in Year 1. Learning the piano is a good starting point for all instrumentalists. Here you learn the foundations of music theory and other elements, which helps with all future musical ventures.
  • Woodwind and brass instruments should start once your child has a mouth full of adult teeth - typically about 7 or 8 years of age. This allows them to position their lips and teeth correctly around or in front of any mouthpiece. If your child has any dental issues or missing teeth, learning a brass instrument is not encouraged. Clarinet is a good starting point for children in Year 1 or 2 who can then move on to Saxophone in Year 4 or 5. Maturity-learning an instrument takes patience. The initial process is a slow one and requires concentration and maturity, particularly with an instrument like the violin. However, learning an instrument can in turn also help develop concentration.
  • An upright piano takes up 8 square feet in a room. You may consider trying a digital piano instead, but it’s important to invest in one that has 88 weighted keys. Always check that your chosen instructor is comfortable with your choice before you purchase one.
  • Drum sets can be purchased but take up space. An alternative is to buy an electronic drum set which saves space! Consider the size of an electric guitar, cello, saxophone, or euphonium related to the space available in your car. Also consider your child and their ability to carry around a large instrument like a cello. 
  • Be sure to take into account what you can reasonably afford to rent or purchase. We encourage students to rent instruments initially when learning rather than buying straight away. 
  • Choose an instrument your child is passionate about. Watch YouTube clips and listen to musical excerpts to determine which sounds they gravitate towards. If your child is interested in that instrument, that is the best way to start.
  • Research instruments that may match the personality of your child. An extravert may instantly connect with a trumpet, guitar or drum, while an introvert may prefer a flute, clarinet or violin.
  • Make sure you can tolerate listening to the instrument being played poorly! You will be hearing this level of musicality around your house on a daily basis when you first get started. Some digital instruments have headphone inputs so that you don’t have to listen to every rehearsal.
Physical Traits
  • Breath control - children that have trouble breathing through their nose and/or are asthmatic may experience difficulty obtaining breath control in learning the flute, saxophone or brass instruments. There are, however, strategies that can be implemented to assist students in developing their breath control. Clarinet can be a much easier instrument to master if one has poor breath control. Alternatively, choose a violin.
  • Posture - good posture is needed to play the flute and violin and the ability to hold arms high at shoulder level.
  • Size - Children should be physically ready to handle large, heavy instruments such as the saxophone, trombone and euphonium. The full weight is taken around the child’s neck and small children find this difficult. 

Whichever instrument you ultimately choose, your child will need your encouragement to continue practising - especially in the beginning. Start with about 10 minutes of practice once a day and try to increase the time in 5 minute increments with a goal of approximately 30 minutes a day. As their competency improves, you shouldn’t need to nag them to practice, since much of the motivation to practice and advance their knowledge will come from inside. This said, it helps to have a cheering section during and after their daily practices so that they know that their musical talent is valued by their family.

Practice Tips
  • Help your child set up a special place at home to play the instrument.
  • Establish a time each day to play. Some children are at their best in the morning, before school. Some parents set a time after the evening bath when the child is relaxed, but not tired.
  • Consider using the phrase ‘playing time’ rather than ‘practice time’.
  • If possible, be a positive part of your child’s playing time. Sit with your child while they play and ask, “Show me what you’re learning.” Or, consider learning to play the instrument with your child. 
  • Praise your child for each step forward.
  • Never make negative remarks about how your child’s playing sounds. It takes time and effort to produce musical sounds. 
  • Encourage other family members to applaud the child’s efforts. Positive attention is a great motivator.
  • Remember that there are always peaks and valleys in the learning process. You and your child should expect times of discouragement, accept them, and focus on the positive fact that they are learning to make music. Remind them that everything worth doing takes time and effort. 
  • Provide positive role models. Bring your child to hear amateur or professional musicians perform. Take your child to movies that show musicians in a positive light, such as “Music of the Heart.”
  • Use stickers or wall charts to reward consistent practice.
  1. Students are taken out of classroom lessons on a rotation basis. Please note that children may miss the occasional Maths or English lesson.
  2. Subjects are taken and payment is made for a whole semester (2 terms).
  3. Tutors provide 14 lessons during each semester. Extra lessons can be negotiated with the tutor.
  4. Lessons for children in Years 1-4 are held during school time. Lessons before school, at lunchtime and after school are generally reserved for Years 5-6.
  5. Fees are payable in full, prior to the commencement of each semester. Lessons may be withheld until payment is received.
  6. Payments must be made to the tutor directly. A receipt will be issued upon request.
  7. Fees are non-refundable except where the subject is withdrawn by the individual tutor.
  8. Where a child is absent from the school, the lesson is forfeited. The lesson will, however, be made up if the tutor is absent. Prior day’s notice of absence is appreciated. Lessons will be made up should the tutor be contacted directly prior to 9:00am on the day of the lesson.
  9. A full term’s notice in writing must be given prior to withdrawal from private tuition. Insufficient notice will necessitate payment of term’s fees. No refunds will be given for the remainder or part of the term where insufficient notice is given.
  10. Enrolments will be processed by the tutors in order of receipt of application forms. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, allocation will be made at the tutor’s discretion. Initially priority will be given to continuing students, but otherwise, places will be allocated on the basis of the receipt of application.
  11. Fees for Concert Band will be charged by the school directly to the student’s term account each semester. Fees for String Ensemble will be invoiced directly by the string ensemble coordinator. 
Kindy, Year 1, Year 2 (Kindy from Semester 2 onwards only)

Guitar - Year 1 and Year 2
Drums - Kindy (from Semester 2), Year 1 and Year 2
Piano - Kindy (from Semester 2), Year 1 and Year 2
Violin, Cello - Kindy (from Semester 2), Year 1 and Year 2
Vocals - Kindy (from Semester 2), Year 1 and Year 2
Saxophone - not recommended 

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

Woodwind, Flute, Clarinet - Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Brass (trumpet etc) - Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Saxophone - Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

MUSIC 2024


Band rehearse on Friday mornings during term. $200 per Semester

The School Band performs regularly at school assemblies, recitals and Speech Day. The Band also competes in externally run band competitions and music festivals. Students are required to play at approximately Grade 1-2 AMEB on their band instrument to participate in the School Band Program. Students not having lessons with a music tutor at Claremont College are required to audition for placement in this ensemble.

Click HERE to register your expression of interest for Band.

If you have any questions in relation to the band, please contact Mrs Davis via the school office.

Brass – Joseph Lisk

Joseph Lisk is a trumpeter and has been teaching brass instruments for over 10 years. He completed a Bachelor of Music (Jazz Performance) at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and has experience playing in a wide variety of ensembles and musical styles. He finds joy in making music, especially in collaboration with others such as the music box project and the South Coast Big Band, and believes that students get the most out of their instrument when collaborating to create music as well. Joseph aims not only to equip students with skills for ensemble playing, but also looks at their individual needs, catering private lessons to each student.

If you are interested in enrolling for brass lessons, please register here.

If you have any questions in relation to trumpet or other brass instruments, please contact Joseph by clicking HERE.

Drums & Garageband Club - Percy Reddy

Individual lessons $700 per semester 

14 lessons per semester

Percy believes instilled within every child lies the ability to reach their full potential. By exploring a range of creative outlets combining modern technology and traditional percussive elements, Percy believes students are empowered to create at a greater capacity. Having unity as the culture, Percy is passionate about building an atmosphere of support and raising student's self-esteem. 

"Music is not simply playing a song, it is a powerful medium to discover who you can truly become." - Percy Reddy 

Please click HERE to register for lessons with Percy.

If you have any questions in relation to drums, please contact Percy by clicking HERE.

Garageband Club
Imagine enabling students to create music for virtual clients. Perhaps it's composing
music for a a tv ad, a movie scene, a jingle, or even a promo for Claremont College!
Giving students an opportunity to create allows them to solve problems. GarageBand
Club nurtures a safe space enable students to explore their inventiveness in composition
while learning valuable musical skills. Students are exposed to learning and applying 5
key skills that will allow them to innovate and engage in a higher level of thinking.

5 Key Skills
Recording and Editing
Lean an Instrument
Music Theory
Creative Expression
Through Project Based Learning, students team up to compose for virtual clients which
allows them to solve real world problems.
Did you know the Grammy Award Winning song ‘Umbrella’ by Rihanna was produced on

All it takes is an iPad and wild imagination for students to take ownership of their
creativity. So here’s my invitation to the visionaries, the minds bursting with inspiration
and a heart eager to learn. There’s songs to be written and people to be influenced, so for
Primary students on Tuesday lunchtimes, let’s explore our creative voices, make some
virtual clients happy and shape the future!

Please click HERE to register for lessons with Percy.

If you have any questions in relation to drums, please contact Percy by clicking HERE.
Flute - Visnja Kosanovic 

$686 per semester 14 lessons per Semester

Visnja Kosanovic received her Bachelor and Master degrees in flute performance at the Academy of Art in Novi Sad, Serbia.  Playing as a soloist, chamber, and orchestral musician - both flute and piccolo - she performed extensively in the Serbian National Opera and Ballet, M Ex Media, Ambiental Orchestra and New Art Forum chamber ensemble. Visnja also made many recordings for Serbian Radio and Television and has performed in master classes throughout Europe.  In 1999 Visnja moved to the USA and actively performed in the Washington area with groups such as the National Gallery OrchestraWashington Bach Consort, Southwest Chamber Players and Levine Woodwind Quintet. At the same time, she was teaching at Levine School of Music and International School of Music. Since moving to Sydney Visnja has joined RHH Symphony Orchestra and continues her work as a freelance musician and flute teacher. She was acknowledged as the teacher of the year 2013 at Ebenezer Mission Music School in Burwood for the excellent results that her students achieved.

Click HERE to register for lessons with Visnja.

If you have any questions in relation to flute, please contact Visnja by clicking HERE.

Guitar & Rock Band - Luke Galea

Guitar – Individual lessons - $700 per
14 lessons per semester

Rock Band - $350 per semester (40 min lesson) 
14 lessons per semester

Luke Galea has been teaching guitar for over 10 years. Born into a musical family, Luke developed a strong passion, knowledge and love for music. Having played the guitar for many years, Luke has gained a thorough understanding of the instrument which he has displayed through live performance all over Sydney. This includes residencies at venues such as the ‘ArtHouse Hotel’, the ‘Piano Room’, the ‘Slip Inn’, the ‘Bayview Hotel’, ‘Cargo Bar’ and the ‘Coogee Pavilion’.

Luke offers a relaxed, friendly and professional learning experience covering various aspects of electric and acoustic guitar such as technique, rhythm & lead, improvisation, chord & scale knowledge and building a strong repertoire. Luke makes every effort to inspire, encourage & challenge his students.

Luke holds a Bachelor of Music and Grad. Dip. Ed and this training helps him to present engaging, well organised and fun lessons for students. In addition to Claremont College, Luke teaches guitar at St Andrew’s Cathedral School in Sydney and has been there for over 10 years. In this time Luke has taught students of all ages from Kindergarten right through to Year 12 HSC Music. He also runs a number of small ensembles and rock bands during the week.

Most of Luke’s working life has been spent performing and teaching Music. Music is his passion, and he loves to share it with his students. He teaches guitar from beginners to advanced players and demonstrates a wide range of styles of music on the guitar. Luke takes great satisfaction in seeing his students discover the joys of music and of mastering their instrument.

Click HERE to register for lessons with Luke. 

If you have any questions in relation to guitar, please contact Luke by clicking HERE.

Piano - Carlson Luong

Piano - $686 per semester
14 lessons per Semester

“I will build their self-esteem & showcase the beauty of music.”

Carlson Luong has been teaching for over thirteen years with experiences in music schools, public & private schools, and own music studio (Musics Garden). He is reputed as a passionate, engaging & patient teacher who has taught students of all ages and levels. Some of his students have performed internationally and have learned under prestigious music universities such as the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and UC Berkeley in California, USA. 

Carlson studied at UNSW, graduating with a Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts) and has achieved his AMUS with Grade 5 Theory/Musicianship. As of now, he is continuing with postgraduate training at the University of New England, studying his Masters of Teaching (Secondary). As a performer, Carlson has performed internationally solo and with his ensemble, Suwitra Jaya at music festivals, events, accompanying, and has even performed for the Australian Consulate General at their home in Bali. 

From AMEB exams, HSC, competitions, leisure, jazz, pop, film, composition, singing, and more; he is very versatile and experienced in many fields in order to cater to the students' learning needs. Carlson’s teaching style aims for a personable approach, working together with the student and parents to help them achieve their goals. This is an invitation to go on a musical journey.

Click HERE to register for lessons with Carlson.

If you have any questions in relation to piano, please contact Carlson by clicking HERE or calling him on 0404 210 397.

Singing - Lyndell Pym

Singing tuition - $700 per semester
14 lessons per semester

Lyndell has many years of experience in singing and performance as well as in many styles of dance. Lyndell’s passion is to impart a love of singing and music to young people and equip them to perform at their very best as they discover the joy of singing and performance. She has been a dedicated vocal teacher for the past 5 years, teaching at several schools, music schools and studios, as well as teaching dance for the past 8 years. She has catered to a large age range of students, from 2-3 year olds through to high school students and adults. Her teaching is tailored for beginners through to professional singers and performers working in the entertainment and music industry, as well as training students in proficiency to sit AMEB and ANZCA exams.

Lyndell’s own life-long training in singing and music has contributed to developing her knowledge of music, singing, vocal technique and teaching. She holds a Bachelor of Music (Vocal Performance) from Wesley Institute and a Masters of Teaching in Secondary Music, completed through Australian Catholic University. Her is vision is to be an inspiring and encouraging teacher to all her students. Lyndell finds it so rewarding to witness students’ growth in their music journey as they discover the joy of singing and develop not only in their vocal skills, but finding confidence in their voice and performance. She believes within her teaching, it is important for students to develop an understanding of their voice and how it works, but to also simultaneously develop their musicality.

She looks forward to seeing all her students grow through providing positive, nurturing learning experiences for all her students in fun, engaging lessons.

Click HERE to register for lessons with Lyndell.

If you have any questions in relation to singing lessons, please contact Lyndell by clicking HERE.

Cello and Senior String Ensemble - Margaret Machamer

Individual lessons $686 per semester
14 lessons per semester 

Senior String Ensemble – fees on application
14 lessons per semester

At 18 years old and a Student of Barbara Woolley, Margaret was awarded a 2 Year Scholarship with the ABC Sinfonia and subsequently an SSO Subscriber’s Committee Scholarship. This was a great reward for a music student’s life and love of Orchestral work. She has been a member of Australian Youth Orchestra, Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra and Principal Cellist in Sydney Youth Orchestra.

The Lindsay Trio with sisters Maria & Angela won the 2MBS Young Performers Scholarship and had many interesting engagements offered to them in their twenties.

A Freelance career next included Tasmanian Symphony, Sydney Symphony, Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra and Shows, recordings.

1989 Moved to London, taking lessons at the Royal Academy of Music. Much freelancing, 

Chamber Music and Orchestral work and regular Co Principal and Principal with Les Miserables West End and also National Symphony Orchestra.

1991 Returning to Sydney. Continuing to freelance and teach and toured

The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber Asia several times. Had popular success with “To Much Coffee” an Album produced by members of Impromptu Caprice and more than 3 decades built and worked hard at producing Cellists in Schools in Sydney. Currently Teaching and Conducting String Ensembles at Claremont College, St Mary’s Cathedral College, ASCHAM, Waverley College and Brigidine College.

With Husband, Percussionist Steven Machamer, she has 3 beautiful children and continues to freelance, perform and record in the Music Industry.

Current work includes First Recording of the Tommy Tycho String Quartet (composed in the 1940’s, an amazing piece of music!) and much freelance Orchestral and recording work. A recent recording includes Foxtel ‘The Twelve’.

Click HERE to register for lessons with Margaret. 

If you have any questions in relation to cello or senior string ensemble, please contact Margaret by clicking HERE.

Violin and Junior String Ensemble - Dominique Guerbois

Individual lessons $686 per semester
14 lessons per semester 

Junior String Ensemble – fees on application
14 lessons per semester

Dominique is a graduate of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, having gained a Bachelor of Music in performance. A Big Brother Foundation scholarship enabled her to further her studies in London where she also performed as a member of the Salomen Ensemble.

Since returning to Australia, Dominique has played with many orchestras including the ACO and Sydney Philharmonia. She has performed for many years as a member of Crisantemi string quartet, regularly touring for Musica Viva in schools and country wide programs. With the Bravura Ensemble, Dominique has presented concerts in Sydney and as a guest entertainer for Crystal and P. & O. Cruises. Other professional engagements have included many musical theatre productions in Sydney and Australian and overseas tours. She is in demand as a session musician recording for numerous film and television scores as well as albums for various artists. As concertmaster of the Metropolitan Orchestra Dominique performs in a wide range of concerts which varies from the Met Concert series to touring with artists such as the 2Cellos, Basement Jaxx & Joy Division as well as the annual Bravo Cruise of the Performing Arts.

Dominique’s years of performing to school audiences encouraged her to begin teaching violin 11 years ago and she joined Reddam House School as violin & ensemble tutor where she continues to teach and perform in the busy music department. She is also the string tutor for the Lane Cove Youth Orchestra and is often engaged as specialist violin tutor for school music camps and workshops around Sydney.

If you are interested in learning more about your child receiving violin or viola lessons, please complete the attached LINK.

If you have any questions in relation to violin, viola lessons or junior string ensemble, please contact Dominique by clicking HERE.


Chess Coaching with Sydney Academy of Chess

Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Claremont College is held on Friday mornings from 8:00am – 8:40am. There are approximately 7-10 lessons during each term.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment.

Our classes begin with an interactive lecture by one of our experienced coaches. During the second half of the lesson, children play games against each other, putting newly learned strategies into practice. As the term progresses and the children become proficient in all the basics, the lectures will move on to more complex ideas such as strategy, middle game ideas and chess technique.  

Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities like good behaviour and sportsmanship, which all good chess players strive to develop.

To enrol, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess by clicking HERE.

Code Camp 

Students in Years 2-6 Code Camp after-school programs, now featuring Little Coders, Coding, Minecraft Engineers, Animation, Design and Robotics!

After-School Code Camp allows kids to hone their coding skills and keep practising through weekly sessions over the term!

Students will produce multiple games and apps using our exciting online platform Code Camp World!

We have made Code Camp World as accessible as possible so students can truly focus on the fun aspects of coding and carry on their journey at home.

Each week students will choose the features they want to build, and advance their problem-solving skills to build these features using code. They will take ownership over their projects and collaborate with their peers to make awesome apps!

Click HERE to register for Code Camp

Curtain Call with Lyndell Pym

$350 per semester
Tuesdays 3:15pm onwards

Curtain Call is a group class that focuses on everything that is Musical Theatre. Students will explore the art of musical theatre and performance through combining vocal skills, acting techniques and movement. Our Curtain Call classes are not competitive but are geared towards giving students the opportunity to develop and refine skills involved in musical theatre and develop confidence as young performers. These classes would be suitable for those who have good vocal ability, have a good sense of rhythm, have a natural dance ability and of course are ready to collaborate and work as a team. Some examples of skills that may be developed through these lessons are vocal projection, developing group performances for an audience, the art of telling a story through a song, following direction and characterisation. Students will have various performance opportunities throughout the year, to further their confidence and skills in performance and to show off what they have been learning in class.

These classes will be led by Lyndell Pym. Through Curtain Call, she aims to inspire and educate her students of the world of Musical Theatre, while encouraging them to strive to do their very best in sharpening their performance skills.

Please feel free to email Lyndell by clicking HERE to discuss if this class is suitable for your child.   

Click HERE to register for lessons with Lyndell.  

Art Classes - Class Artz Academy

We are excited to announce that Class Artz Academy will be continuing to teach Art classes in 2024. Registrations are now open via their website (

Class Artz Academy is a junior art school that provides a convenient after school creative experience in primary schools across Sydney.  We’re made up of a dedicated team of qualified teachers and teacher’s aides (all with WWCCs) who expertly teach and guide students in our themed 8-week art lessons.  Our highly sought-after program teaches over 250 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 in our term program. 

Our activities are perfect for kids who are keen to explore art-making and creating with new materials.  We believe that students are innately creative and we love to encourage self-expression and discovery through drawing, painting, printmaking and more.  The aim of our classes is to give students confidence and foster artistic potential

Debating with Masters Academy

We are delighted that Masters Academy is continuing to conduct coaching lessons again in 2024. Details are as follows:

Time: 7:40am - 8:40am

Day: Wednesday Mornings

Terms 1- 4 (7 weeks each term)

Online portal for parents:

Information contact: