If you would like to audition for our school musical, you will also need to do the following:
- Memorise the lines on the attached script (at least two of the script samples that best suit you). You will be asked to perform your part for the audition panel consisting of at least three teachers.
- We will also ask you to participate in some other improvisational drama activities on the spot.
- Be prepared to sing for the audition panel. If you are chosen for a singing part or solo, you need to be confident singing in front of a very large audience, so don’t be shy about singing in front of other kids. Please learn the attached song from ‘The Greatest Showman’. You can also find the backing track on the school website on the Music page. An additional song will be given to those who make the ‘call backs’ (if it is needed).
The main cast include roles of distinctive characters. All students MUST sing and act to be considered as a principal performer. That said there are-many non singing roles. Of course we would like to give a main part to everyone who tries, but obviously this won’t be possible (the musical would go on for a week!). All Claremont kids will be performing in their class item and the finale item, so everyone will be involved should they not receive a ‘principal role’.
Students should not be disheartened if they are not chosen initially. We ask you to encourage your children and to take this on board as a learning process. The real external world of auditions is very tough - the children need to be prepared for this.
We would love to see you at auditions. Give it a go! You might just be the person we are looking for.
Good luck!
The Concert Committee